Source code for afmformats.formats.fmt_jpk.jpk_reader

from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
import functools
import zipfile

import jprops
import numpy as np

from ...errors import MissingMetaDataError
from ... import meta

from . import jpk_data, jpk_meta

__all__ = ["ArchiveCache", "JPKReader"]

[docs]class ArchiveCache: """Archive cache for fast access to zip data If every :class:`JPKReader` has its own instance of `ZipFile`, then on macOS (and possibly other OSes), we might run into an OSError; [Errno 24] Too many open files ( The problem is, that if we don't leave the `ZipFile`, we have to re-open it every time we want to access some data. This is a huge overhead. The solution is `ArchiveCache`, which keeps a reference to the last `max_archives=32` archives and closes the ones that were used least. """ open_archives = OrderedDict() max_archives = 32
[docs] @staticmethod def get(zip_path): """Return the (possibly cached) `ZipFile` object for `zip_path`""" if zip_path in ArchiveCache.open_archives: arc = ArchiveCache.open_archives.pop(zip_path) else: arc = zipfile.ZipFile(zip_path, mode="r") ArchiveCache.open_archives[zip_path] = arc # remove any open archives too_many = len(ArchiveCache.open_archives) - ArchiveCache.max_archives if too_many > 0: to_remove = list(ArchiveCache.open_archives.keys())[:too_many] for key in to_remove: old_arc = ArchiveCache.open_archives.pop(key) old_arc.close() return arc
[docs]class JPKReader(object): def __init__(self, path): self.path = path self._user_metadata = {} @functools.lru_cache() def __len__(self): return len(self.get_index_numbers()) @property @functools.lru_cache() def files(self): """List of files and folders in the archive""" arc = ArchiveCache.get(self.path) nlist = arc.namelist() maxdigits = int(np.ceil(np.log10(len(nlist)))) + 1 repstr = "{:0" + "{}".format(maxdigits) + "d}" def sortkey(x): if x.count("/"): xs = x.split("/") for ii in range(len(xs)): if xs[ii].isnumeric(): xs[ii] = repstr.format(int(xs[ii])) return "/".join(xs) else: return x return sorted(nlist, key=sortkey) @property @functools.lru_cache() def hierarchy(self): """Format hierarchy ("single" or "indexed")""" if "segments/" in self.files: return "single" elif "index/" in self.files: return "indexed" else: msg = "Cannot determine hierarchy: {}".format(self.path) raise NotImplementedError(msg) @property @functools.lru_cache() def _properties_general(self): """Return content of """" arc = ArchiveCache.get(self.path) with"", "r") as fd: props = jprops.load_properties(fd) return props @property @functools.lru_cache() def _properties_shared(self): """Return content of "shared-data/""" path = "shared-data/" if path in self.files: arc = ArchiveCache.get(self.path) with, "r") as fd: props = jprops.load_properties(fd) else: props = {} return props @functools.lru_cache() def _get_index_segment_properties(self, index, segment): """Return properties from a specific index and segment Parameters ---------- index: int Curve index; For "single" hierarchy files, this should be 0. segment: int or None If None, then no segment-specific properties (e.g. approach or retract) are returned. """ # 1. Properties of index p_index = self.get_index_path(index) + "" arc = ArchiveCache.get(self.path) with, "r") as fd: prop = jprops.load_properties(fd) # 2. Properties of segment (if applicable) if segment is not None: p_segment = self.get_index_segment_path(index, segment) \ + "" with, "r") as fd: prop.update(jprops.load_properties(fd)) # 3. Substitute shared properties psprop = self._properties_shared # Generate lists of keys and sort them for easier debugging. proplist = list(prop.keys()) proplist.sort() pslist = list(psprop.keys()) pslist.sort() # Loop through the segment data and search for lcd-info tags for key in proplist: # Get line channel data if key.count(".*"): # Replace the lcd-info tag by the values in the shared # properties file: # 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. pindex = prop[key] # lcd-info, force-segment-header-info mediator = ".".join(key.split(".")[-2:-1]) # channel.vDeflection, force-segment-header headkey = key.rsplit(".", 2)[0] # append a "." here to make sure # not to confuse "1" with "10". startid = "{}.{}.".format(mediator, pindex) for k2 in pslist: if k2.startswith(startid): var = ".".join(k2.split(".")[2:]) prop[".".join([headkey, var])] = psprop[k2] # 4. Update with general properties # (for "single" hierarchy, this coincides with index properties) prop.update(self._properties_general) # 5. Try to convert numbers to floats and remove NaNs for p in list(prop.keys()): try: prop[p] = float(prop[p]) except BaseException: pass else: if np.isnan(prop[p]): prop.pop(p) # 6. sneakily insert spring constant and sensitivity into the property # lists. This is manipulation of metadata at the lowest possible # level. We need it in :func:`jpk_data.load_dat_unit` as well # as in :func:`.get_metadata`. prmet = jpk_meta.get_primary_meta_recipe() for key, base_slot, unit in [ ("spring constant", "distance", "N"), ("sensitivity", "volts", "m")]: if key in self._user_metadata: for opt_mult in prmet[key]: # channel.vDeflection.conversion-set.conversion. # distance.scaling.multiplier prop[opt_mult] = self._user_metadata[key] # channel.vDeflection.conversion-set.conversion. # distance.scaling.offset opt_off = opt_mult.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".offset" prop[opt_off] = 0 # channel.vDeflection.conversion-set.conversion. # distance.scaling.unit opt_unit = opt_mult.rsplit(".", 1)[0] + ".unit" prop[opt_unit] = unit # channel.vDeflection.conversion-set.conversion. # distance.base-calibration-slot opt_slot = (opt_mult.rsplit(".", 2)[0] + ".base-calibration-slot") prop[opt_slot] = base_slot return prop
[docs] def get_data(self, column, index, segment=None): """Return data for a given column, index, or segment Parameters ---------- column: str Valid column from :const:`afmformats.afm_data.known_columns` index: int Curve index in the current archive segment: int or None Segment index for chosen curve index Returns ------- data: 1d ndarray Column data """ numsegs = self.get_index_segment_numbers(index) if segment is None: # Return concatenated data for all segments data = [] for seg in numsegs: data.append(self.get_data(column=column, index=index, segment=seg)) return np.concatenate(data) md = self.get_metadata(index, segment) prop = self._get_index_segment_properties(index, segment) numsegs = self.get_index_segment_numbers(index) # Find the data file that corresponds to the specified column if column == "time": # get initial time start = 0 if segment != 0: for seg in numsegs: if seg < segment: start += self.get_metadata(index, seg)["duration"] return np.linspace(start, start + md["duration"], md["point count"], endpoint=False) elif column == "segment": return np.ones(md["point count"], dtype=np.uint8) * segment else: # get the segment's data list p_seg = self.get_index_segment_path(index, segment) loc_list = [ff for ff in self.files if ff.count(p_seg)] name, slot, dat = jpk_data.find_column_dat(loc_list, column) arc = ArchiveCache.get(self.path) with, "r") as fd: data, unit, _ = jpk_data.load_dat_unit(fd, name=name, properties=prop, slot=slot) # verify unit if unit != jpk_data.JPK_UNITS[column]: raise jpk_data.ReadJPKError("Unknown unit for {}: {}".format( column, unit)) return data
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def get_index_numbers(self): """Return int array with available index numbers The numbers is what we refer to as "enum" in afmformats. Sometimes individual curves are missing from JPK files. These have to be correctly indexed. """ indices = [] if self.hierarchy == "single": indices.append(0) else: # TODO: is there a more efficient way? for ff in self.files: if (ff.startswith("index/") and ff.count("/") == 2 and ff.endswith("/")): indices.append(int(ff.split("/")[1])) indices = np.array(indices, dtype=int) return indices
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def get_index_path(self, index): """Return the path in the zip file for a specific curve index""" enum = self.get_index_numbers()[index] if self.hierarchy == "single": path = "" elif self.hierarchy == "indexed": path = "index/{}/".format(enum) else: raise NotImplementedError("No rule to get path for hierarchy " + "'{}'!".format(self.hierarchy)) if path and path not in self.files: raise IndexError("Cannot find path for index '{}' ".format(index) + " (enum '{}')!".format(enum)) return path
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def get_index_segment_numbers(self, index): """Return available segment numbers for an index""" segments = [] seg = 0 while True: try: self.get_index_segment_path(index, seg) except IndexError: break else: segments.append(seg) seg += 1 return segments
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def get_index_segment_path(self, index, segment): """Return the path in the zip file for a specific index and segment""" enum = self.get_index_numbers()[index] if self.hierarchy == "single": path = "segments/{}/".format(segment) elif self.hierarchy == "indexed": path = "index/{}/segments/{}/".format(enum, segment) else: raise NotImplementedError("No rule to get path for hierarchy " + "'{}'!".format(self.hierarchy)) if path not in self.files: raise IndexError("Cannot find path for index '{}' ".format(index) + "(enum '{}')".format(enum)) return path
[docs] @functools.lru_cache() def get_metadata(self, index, segment=None): """Return the metadata for a specific index and segment Parameters ---------- index: int Curve index; For "single" hierarchy files, this should be 0. segment: int or None If None, then all segment-specific properties (e.g. approach and retract) are returned. """ if segment is None: md = meta.MetaData() # reverse order, because we want "time" from first md for seg in self.get_index_segment_numbers(index)[::-1]: mdap = copy.deepcopy(self.get_metadata(index, seg)) if "duration" in md: md["duration"] += mdap.pop("duration") if "point count" in md: md["point count"] += mdap.pop("point count") md.update(mdap) return md # 1. Populate with primary metadata. Note that we already manipulated # the user-defined sensitivity and spring constant metadata in # the property list in :func:`._get_index_segment_properties` md = self.get_metadata_jpk_primary(index=index, segment=segment) keys_required = ["spring constant", "sensitivity"] keys_missing = [k for k in keys_required if k not in md] if keys_missing: raise MissingMetaDataError(keys_missing, f"Missing meta data: '{keys_missing}'" ) md["software"] = "JPK" md["enum"] = int(self.get_index_numbers()[index]) md["path"] = self.path # 2. Populate with secondary metadata md_im = self.get_metadata_jpk_secondary(index=index, segment=segment) curve_type = md_im["curve type"] curve_conv = {"extend": "approach", "pause": "intermediate", "retract": "retract"} curseg = curve_conv[curve_type] if curseg in ["approach", "retract"]: md[f"rate {curseg}"] = md["point count"] / \ md_im["segment duration"] zrange = abs(md_im["z start"] - md_im["z end"]) md[f"speed {curseg}"] = zrange / md_im["segment duration"] md[f"duration {curseg}"] = md_im["segment duration"] md["imaging mode"] = self.get_imaging_mode() md["curve id"] = "{}:{:g}".format(md["session id"], md_im["position index"]) if "setpoint [V]" in md_im: md["setpoint"] = md_im["setpoint [V]"] * \ md["spring constant"] * md["sensitivity"] # date and time if curseg == "approach": md["date"], md["time"], _ = md_im["time stamp"].split() # Convert designated keys to integers integer_keys = ["grid shape x", "grid shape y", "grid index x", "grid index y", "point count", ] for ik in integer_keys: if ik in md: md[ik] = int(round(md[ik])) # Update any remaining metadata from the user. This is not spotless # (it might have made more sense to use `dict.setdefault` # more often). md.update(self._user_metadata) return md
def get_metadata_jpk_primary(self, index, segment): prop = self._get_index_segment_properties(index=index, segment=segment) md = meta.MetaData() recipe = jpk_meta.get_primary_meta_recipe() for key in recipe: for vari in recipe[key]: if vari in prop: md[key] = prop[vari] break return md def get_metadata_jpk_secondary(self, index, segment): prop = self._get_index_segment_properties(index=index, segment=segment) recipe_2 = jpk_meta.get_secondary_meta_recipe() md_im = {} for key in recipe_2: for vari in recipe_2[key]: if vari in prop: md_im[key] = prop[vari] break return md_im @functools.lru_cache() def get_imaging_mode(self): num_segments = len(self.get_index_segment_numbers(0)) if num_segments == 2: imaging_mode = "force-distance" elif num_segments == 3: md_im = self.get_metadata_jpk_secondary(index=0, segment=1) # For creep-compliance, we extract the info from segment 1. if md_im["curve type"] != "pause": raise ValueError("Segment 1 must be of type 'pause'!") pause_type = md_im["segment pause type"] if pause_type == "constant-force-pause": imaging_mode = "creep-compliance" else: raise ValueError(f"Unexprected pause type '{pause_type}'!") elif num_segments == 4: md_im = self.get_metadata_jpk_secondary(index=0, segment=2) # For stress-relaxation, we extract the info from segment 2. if md_im["curve type"] != "pause": raise ValueError("Segment 2 must be of type 'pause'!") pause_type = md_im["segment pause type"] if pause_type == "constant-height-pause": imaging_mode = "stress-relaxation" else: raise ValueError(f"Unexprected pause type '{pause_type}'!") else: raise ValueError(f"Unexpected number of segments: {num_segments}!") return imaging_mode
[docs] def set_metadata(self, metadata): """Override internal metadata This has a direct effect on :func:`.get_metadata`. """ self._user_metadata.clear() self._user_metadata.update(metadata) self.get_metadata.cache_clear() self._get_index_segment_properties.cache_clear()