

  • load_map(): Load a set of zipped csv AFM workshop data

afmformats.formats.fmt_workshop.ws_map.load_map(path, callback=None, meta_override=None)[source]

Load a set of zipped csv AFM workshop data

If you are recording quantitative force-maps (i.e. multiple curves on an x-y-grid) with AFM workshop setups, then you might have realized that you get multiple .csv files (one file per indentation) instead of one file that contains all the data (as you might be accustomed to from other manufacturers). Since afmformats expects one file per measurement, it would not be straight forward to obtain a properly enumerated quantitative imaging group.

This function offers a workaround - it loads a zip archive created from the the .csv files.

The files are structured like this:

Force-Distance Curve
File Format:    3

Date:    Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Time:    1:07:47 PM
Mode:    Mapping
Point:    16
X, um:    27.250000
Y, um:    27.250000

Extend Z-Sense(nm),Extend T-B(V),Retract Z-Sense(nm),Retract T-B(V)

Please make sure that the Point is enumerated from 1 onwards (and matches the alphanumerical order of the files in the archive) and that Mode is Mapping. The X and Y coordinates can be used by e.g. PyJibe to display QMap data on a grid.

  • path (str or pathlib.Path) – path to zip file containing AFM workshop .csv files

  • callback (callable) – function for progress tracking; must accept a float in [0, 1] as an argument.

  • meta_override (dict) – if specified, contains key-value pairs of metadata that are used when loading the files (see afmformats.meta.META_FIELDS)