Source code for afmformats.formats.fmt_jpk

import numpy as np

from ...errors import MissingMetaDataError
from ...lazy_loader import LazyData
from ...meta import LazyMetaValue

from .jpk_reader import JPKReader

__all__ = ["load_jpk"]

def detect(path, return_modality=False):
    """Check whether a file is a valid JPK data file

    # The suffix is not checked, because that is done in
    # the wrapper class formats.AFMFormatRecipe.
    jpkr = JPKReader(path)
    except MissingMetaDataError:
        valid = True
    except BaseException:
        valid = False
        valid = True
    if return_modality:
        return valid, jpkr.get_imaging_mode()
        return valid

[docs]def load_jpk(path, callback=None, meta_override=None): """Loads JPK Instruments data files These files are zip files containing java property files and integer-encoded binary data. The property files include recipes on how to convert the raw integer data to SI units. Parameters ---------- path: str or pathlib.Path path to JPK data file callback: callable function for progress tracking; must accept a float in [0, 1] as an argument. meta_override: dict if specified, contains key-value pairs of metadata that are used when loading the files (see :data:`afmformats.meta.META_FIELDS`) """ if meta_override is None: meta_override = {} jpkr = JPKReader(path) jpkr.set_metadata(meta_override) dataset = [] # iterate over all datasets and add them for index in range(len(jpkr)): lazy_data = LazyData() for column in ["force", "height (measured)", "height (piezo)", "segment", "time"]: lazy_data.set_lazy_loader(column=column, func=jpkr.get_data, kwargs={"column": column, "index": index}) metadata = jpkr.get_metadata(index=index) metadata["z range"] = LazyMetaValue( lambda data: np.ptp(data["height (piezo)"]), lazy_data) dataset.append({"data": lazy_data, "metadata": metadata, }) if callback: callback((1+index) / len(jpkr)) return dataset
recipe_jpk_force = { "descr": "binary FD data", "detect": detect, "loader": load_jpk, "maker": "JPK Instruments", "modalities": ["creep-compliance", "force-distance", "stress-relaxation"], "suffix": ".jpk-force", } recipe_jpk_force_map = { "descr": "binary QMap data", "detect": detect, "loader": load_jpk, "maker": "JPK Instruments", "modalities": ["creep-compliance", "force-distance", "stress-relaxation"], "suffix": ".jpk-force-map", } recipe_jpk_force_qi_data = { "descr": "binary QMap data", "detect": detect, "loader": load_jpk, "maker": "JPK Instruments", "modalities": ["creep-compliance", "force-distance", "stress-relaxation"], "suffix": ".jpk-qi-data", } recipe_jpk_force_qi_series = { "descr": "binary QMap data", "detect": detect, "loader": load_jpk, "maker": "JPK Instruments", "modalities": ["creep-compliance", "force-distance", "stress-relaxation"], "suffix": ".jpk-qi-series", }