

  • load_txt(): Load text files exported by the NT-MDT Nova software

afmformats.fmt_ntmdt_txt.load_txt(path, callback=None, meta_override=None)[source]

Load text files exported by the NT-MDT Nova software

The columns are assumed to be: height (piezo) [nm], Deflection during approach (nA), Deflection during retraction (nA). The sensitivity in meta_override should be given in [m/A] (even though it is displayed as [m/V]).

This loader removes constant-value padding at the beginning of the data columns, an artifact that is sometimes introduced during data export. There are no metadata in this file format.

Test data were provided by Yuri Efremov [Efr20] [EBKS15].

Note that support for the original .mdt files is currently (2020) not possible. There exist binary readers for nt-mdt files (, but this does not work for exemplary data. If the NT-MDT Nova software is not available, it should still be possible to load the data with Ggyddion and export it to something afmformats understands.

  • path (str or pathlib.Path or io.TextIOBase) – path to an ntmdt-exported .txt file

  • callback (callable) – function for progress tracking; must accept a float in [0, 1] as an argument.

  • meta_override (dict) – if specified, contains key-value pairs of metadata that are used when loading the files (see afmformats.meta.META_FIELDS)