Source code for afmformats.meta

import pathlib

import numpy as np

from .parse_funcs import fint, vd_str_in

__all__ = ["META_FIELDS", "DEF_ALL", "KEYS_VALID", "MetaDataMissingError",
           "MetaData", "parse_time"]

#: Compendium of all allowed meta data keys, sorted by topic, and
#: including units and validation methods
    # AFM acquisition settings
    "acquisition": {
        "feedback mode": ["Feedback mode", "", vd_str_in([
            # JPK contact mode
            # From the NanoWizard User Manual (v. 4.2) sec. 5.7:
            # Force modulation mode is a mixture between contact mode and
            # intermittent mode and "can be thought of as a kind of contact
            # mode with an added vibration on the cantilever".
        "imaging mode": ["Imaging modality", "", vd_str_in([
            # force-distance measurements
        "rate approach": ["Sampling rate (approach)", "Hz", float],
        "rate retract": ["Sampling rate (retract)", "Hz", float],
        "sensitivity": ["Sensitivity", "m/V", float],
        "setpoint": ["Active feedback loop setpoint", "N", float],
        "spring constant": ["Cantilever spring constant", "N/m", float],
    # dataset parameters
    "dataset": {
        "duration": ["Duration", "s", float],
        "enum": ["Dataset index within the experiment", "", fint],
        "point count": ["Size of the dataset in points", "", fint],
        "speed approach": ["Piezo speed (approach)", "m/s", float],
        "speed retract": ["Piezo speed (retract)", "m/s", float],
        "z range": ["Axial piezo range", "m", float],
    # QMap related dataset metadata
    "qmap": {
        "grid center x": ["Horizontal center of grid", "m", float],
        "grid center y": ["Vertical center of grid", "m", float],
        "grid index x": ["Horizontal grid position index", "", fint],
        "grid index y": ["Vertical grid position index", "", fint],
        "grid shape x": ["Horizontal grid shape", "px", fint],
        "grid shape y": ["Vertical grid shape", "px", fint],
        # The grid size is the actual size when you include the
        # boundary of the image (i.e. (grid_shape + 1) * pixel_size).
        "grid size x": ["Horizontal grid image size", "m", float],
        "grid size y": ["Vertical grid image size", "m", float],
        "position x": ["Horizontal position", "m", float],
        "position y": ["Vertical position", "m", float],
    # AFM setup
    "setup": {
        "instrument": ["Instrument", "", str],
        "software": ["Acquisition software", "", str],
        "software version": ["Acquisition software version", "", str],
    # storage data
    "storage": {
        "curve id": ["Curve identifier", "", str],
        "date": ["Recording date", "", str],  # YYYY-MM-DD
        "format": ["File format", "", str],
        "path": ["Path", "", pathlib.Path],
        "session id": ["Dataset identifier", "", str],
        "time": ["Recording time", "", str],  # HH:MM:SS.S

#: A dictionary for all metadata definitions
DEF_ALL = {}
for _sec in META_FIELDS:
    for _key in META_FIELDS[_sec]:
        DEF_ALL[_key] = META_FIELDS[_sec][_key]

#: List of all valid meta data keys
KEYS_VALID = sorted(DEF_ALL.keys())

[docs]class MetaDataMissingError(BaseException): """Raised when meta data is missing""" pass
class LazyMetaValue: """A metadata value that is evaluated lazily in :class:`MetaData`""" def __init__(self, func, *args, **kwargs): self.func = func self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs self.value = None def __call__(self): if self.value is None: # When metadata is copied, LazyMetaValue is copied along with # it. If in the copy, this function here is called, then we # store it in self.value, so it does not have to be recomputed # in another copy. self.value = self.func(*self.args, **self.kwargs) return self.value
[docs]class MetaData(dict): """Management of meta data variables Valid key names are defined in :const:`afmformats.meta.KEYS_VALID`. """ valid_keys = KEYS_VALID def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # do not init with args/kwargs super(MetaData, self).__init__() # instead, make sure everything goes through __set__ self.update(*args, **kwargs) # check for invalid keys for key in self: if key not in self.valid_keys: raise KeyError("Unknown metadata key: '{}'".format(key)) def __copy__(self): """Create a copy of the metadata Returns ------- mdc: MetaData Copy of the MetaData class (LazyMetaValue not copied) """ cls = MetaData() for key in self: # This will just pass the LazyMetaValue instance and # not create a copy of it. cls[key] = super(MetaData, self).__getitem__(key) return cls def __deepcopy__(self, memo): # Since MetaData is not a nested dictionary, we just do a copy. # And LazyMetaValue should not be copied. result = self.__copy__() memo[id(self)] = result return result def __setitem__(self, key, value): """Set a metadata key The key must be a valid key defined in `self.valid_keys` (defaults to :const:`afmformats.meta.KEYS_VALID`). The "time" key is converted using :func:`parse_time`. NaN values are silently ignored. """ if key not in self.valid_keys: raise KeyError("Unknown metadata key: '{}'".format(key)) elif key == "time": value = parse_time(value) if isinstance(value, float) and np.isnan(value): # nan values are ignored return super(MetaData, self).__setitem__(key, value) self._autocomplete_grid_metadata() def __getitem__(self, key): if key == "curve id": return self._get_curve_id() elif key == "session id": return self._get_session_id() elif key not in self and key in self.valid_keys: msg = "No meta data was defined for '{}'! ".format(key) \ + "Please make sure you passed the dictionary `metadata` " \ + "when you loaded your data." raise MetaDataMissingError(msg) elif key not in self: msg = "Unknown meta key: '{}'!".format(key) raise KeyError(msg) value = super(MetaData, self).__getitem__(key) if isinstance(value, LazyMetaValue): # Evaluate LazyMetaValue and assign value to self value = value() super(MetaData, self).__setitem__(key, value) return value def _autocomplete_grid_metadata(self): """Compute missing grid metadata in-place - supplements "grid index x" and "grid index y" if possible """ md = self for ax in ["x", "y"]: if (f"grid index {ax}" not in self and f"grid center {ax}" in self and f"grid shape {ax}" in self and f"grid size {ax}" in self and f"position {ax}" in self): idx = self._convert_position_to_index( pos_m=md[f"position {ax}"], size_m=md[f"grid size {ax}"], center_m=md[f"grid center {ax}"], size_px=md[f"grid shape {ax}"]) super(MetaData, self).__setitem__(f"grid index {ax}", idx) @staticmethod def _convert_position_to_index(pos_m, size_m, center_m, size_px): """Convert qmap positions from [m] to array coordinates in [px] Parameters ---------- pos_m: float positions [m] size_m: float grid size [m] center_m: float grid center position [m] size_px: int grid size [px] Returns ------- pos_px: int index position of `pos_m` """ if size_px != int(size_px): raise ValueError( "`size_px` must be integer, got {}!".format(size_px)) size_px = int(size_px) s1 = center_m - size_m / 2 s2 = center_m + size_m / 2 x, dx = np.linspace(s1, s2, size_px, endpoint=False, retstep=True) x += dx / 2 xpx = np.nanargmin(np.abs(x - pos_m)) return xpx def _get_curve_id(self): # already set? thisid = super(MetaData, self).get("curve id") # compute using session_id if not thisid and "enum" in self: thisid = self._get_session_id() + "_{}".format(self["enum"]) # not available if not thisid: raise MetaDataMissingError("Key 'curve id' not set!") return thisid def _get_session_id(self): # already set? thisid = super(MetaData, self).get("session id") # compute using date/time if not thisid: idlist = [self.get("date", ""), self.get("time", "")] thisid = "_".join([it for it in idlist if it]) # not available if not thisid: raise MetaDataMissingError("Key 'session id' not set!") return thisid
[docs] def as_dict(self): """Convert to real dictionary This is needed e.g. for `self.items` such that `json.dump` works in combination with `LazyMetaValue` (which is not JSON serializable) """ realdict = {} for key in self: realdict[key] = self[key] return realdict
[docs] def copy(self): """Create a copy of the metadata Returns ------- mdc: MetaData Copy of the MetaData class (LazyMetaValue not copied) """ return self.__copy__()
[docs] def get(self, key, default=None): if key in self: return self[key] else: return default
[docs] def get_summary(self): """Convenience function returning the meta data summary Returns a dict of dicts with keys matching the DEF_* dicts. Unset values are returned as `np.nan`. """ summary = {} for sec in META_FIELDS: summary[sec] = {} for key in META_FIELDS[sec]: summary[sec][key] = self.get(key, np.nan) return summary
[docs] def items(self): return self.as_dict().items()
[docs] def update(self, *args, **kwargs): # make sure everything goes through __set__ for k, v in dict(*args, **kwargs).items(): self[k] = v
[docs] def values(self): return self.as_dict().values()
[docs]def parse_time(value): """Convert a time string to "HH:MM:SS.S" - leading zeros are added where necessary - trailing zeros after "." are stripped - trailing "." is stripped e.g. - "6:15:22 PM" -> "18:15:22" - "6:15:22.00 AM" -> "06:15:22" - "6:02:22.010 AM" -> "06:02:22.01" """ # fix AM/PM if value.count(" "): time, ap = value.split() if ap == "PM": # convert to 24h timetup = time.split(":") timetup[0] = str(int(timetup[0]) + 12) time = ":".join(timetup) else: time = value # convert to time with leading zeros and stripped subseconds hh, mm, ss = time.split(":") if ss.count("."): ss0, ss1 = ss.split(".") ss1 = ("." + ss1).rstrip(".0") else: ss0 = ss ss1 = "" newvalue = ":".join(["{:02d}".format(int(hh)), "{:02d}".format(int(mm)), "{:02d}".format(int(ss0)) + ss1 ]) return newvalue